
Our Response To Councillor Glenn William’s Comments

Today we have published the following statement on social media as our reaction to comments made by Coventry City Councillor Glenn Williams regarding his opposition to the teaching of tolerance and acceptance of same-sex relationships in secondary education:

We wholeheartedly stand with Coventry Pride in condemning Councillor Williams’ outdated and irresponsible comments.

As a group whose core focus is supporting the young people of Coventry who identify as LGBTQ+, we hear all too often about the homophobia that still exists within schools. The new curriculum will help to address this by demonstrating in an appropriate manner that same-sex feelings and relationships are every bit as valid as their heterosexual counterparts.

Many of our volunteers were in secondary education at a time when Section 28 was still in place and remember vividly the feelings of isolation and depression that come from not having that much-needed support at school.

We urge Councillor Williams to carefully reflect on his words and the damaging impact they could have, and work with Coventry Pride to develop a better understanding of the issues at hand.

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